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Рецензия Side-Line (Бельгия) на «Вароша» (UIS-11)

V/A Вароша (Album – UIS)

Genre/Influences: Industrial, dark-ambient, noise, minimal-electro.

Format: Digital, cassette.

Background/Info: This compilation features artists hailing from Greece, turkey, Italy, Russia and Cyprus; the last country being the home of UIS. “Вароша” features 15 artists while this sampler is dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the ‘Cyprus conflict’ getting us back to the coup d’état from 1975 and its consequences, which are still noticeable and moving on today.

Artists: H.C.N., Jericho Trumpet, Ajuleg&Irm, Arbeitsunfall, Black Spring, Kerem Ergener, Ультраполярное Вторжение, Matriarchy Roots, Qamat Is-Sa’atu, Grëzoblazhenstvie, Faintin’ Goats, Krrau, Grim Machine, Theotokos, Blue Dervish.

Content: This compilation features a nice selection of unknown projects dealing with a rather diversified content. From the industrial/noise debut track by H.C.N. to the mystic industrial-ambient sphere emerging from Jericho Trumpet to the minimal-like Arbeitsunfall to the more experimental Black Spring to the noise driven Qamat Is-Sa’atu to the industrial-techno like Theotokos, this work has a lot to offer and to discover.

+ + + : I honestly never heard –or can’t remember to have ever heard, one of the featured artists. So I’m always excited when a compilation gives you the opportunity to get in touch with new names, but “Вароша” also reveals cool surprises. I discovered a few songs made with great sound intelligence. The most noticeable tracks are the ones by Arbeitsunfall, Theotokos and Matriarchy Roots. I also salute the DIY approach from the label, which reminds us the real spirit of underground music.

– – – : I admit have I’ve been not convinced by all projects and especially the most experimental/abstract passages aren’t my favorite ones.

Conclusion: If you’re a little bit curious to discover interesting new names from the electro/industrial/ambient/experimental underground scene, I can only highly recommend this compilation, which gets my total support!

Best bands: Arbeitsunfall, Theotokos, Matriarchy Roots, Jericho Trumpet, Ajuleg&Irm.

Rate: (7½).

© Side-Line Music Magazine
22 мар 2020